Salt Shockers: High-Sodium Surprises

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sodium: A Good Moderation

We may malign the salt shaker, but sodium plays an important role in maintaining the body's fluid balance. It’s essential for muscles and nerves to function properly. But most of us consume too much of it. FDA guidelines call for less than 2,400 mg of sodium per day -- about 1 teaspoon of table salt. Surprisingly, most of our salt intake doesn’t come from the salt shaker; it’s hidden in many of the foods we buy at the grocery store.

Frozen Dinners

They’re quick. They’re easy. And they’re loaded with sodium. A 5-oz. frozen turkey and gravy dinner packs 787 mg. of sodium.

Tip: A “lighter” version may have less salt, but it’s no guarantee. Read the labels to be sure. It’s possible that “lighter” refers to fat only.

Ready-to-Eat Cereals

They seem safe enough, right? Look closer.

Some brands of corn flakes have up to 266 mg of sodium per cup.

Some brands of raisin bran have up to 342 mg of sodium per cup.

Tip: Puffed rice and puffed wheat are sodium free. Mix half of your favorite cereal with half of a sodium-free choice. Or look for companies that make low-sodium cereals.

Vegetable Juices

Veggie drinks are a healthy way to get your 5-a-day, but they're not always a smart choice if you’re watching your sodium. One cup of vegetable juice cocktail contains 653 mg of sodium.

Tip: Many brands make a low-sodium version of vegetable juice.

Canned Vegetables

While a handy substitute for fresh, canned veggies are typically laden with preservatives or sauces and seasonings that add extra sodium. A cup of canned cream-style corn contains 730 mg of sodium.

Tips: Rinse vegetables thoroughly, or buy canned ones labeled “no salt added,” and add your own, in moderation. Or check the freezer section where you may have more luck finding an unsalted choice.

Packaged Deli Meats

One look at the sodium content in packaged meats should stop you in your tracks. Beef or pork salami (2 slices) can pack 604 mg of sodium.

Tip: Be a label reader. There’s no way around it -- different brands and different meats have differing amounts of sodium. And beware: a “healthier” packaged meat may actually have more sodium than its higher-fat counterpart. Some brands have meats with 50% less sodium.


It’s a warm comfort food on a cold day, but look out -- soups are typically loaded with sodium. For instance, a cup of chicken noodle soup (canned) contains as much as 1,106 mg of sodium.

Tips: Look for reduced-sodium versions of your favorites. And always check the label -- you might find that one brand’s “Healthy” version actually has less sodium than the “25% Less Sodium” variety.

Marinades and Flavorings

Notoriously high-sodium offenders include Teriyaki sauce (1 tablespoon) which contains 690 mg of sodium, and soy sauce (1 tablespoon), which may contain up to 1,000 mg of sodium.Tips: Even “lower-sodium” soy sauce packs a wallop, so use sparingly. Go for vinegar and lemon juice to enhance flavor -- they naturally have less sodium. And try orange or pineapple juice as a base for meat marinades.

Spaghetti Sauce

Half a cup of spaghetti sauce may pack 610 mg of sodium -- and that amount barely coats a helping of pasta.

Tip: Look for “no salt added” versions of your favorite pasta sauces.

Spicing It Up

Adding spices to an entrée can be an easy way to forgo the salt shaker. Just make sure there’s no hidden sodium in your selection. For example, canned jalapeno peppers (1/4 cup, solids and liquids) contain about 434 mg of sodium.

Tips: Go for the pepper in its natural form to ditch the sodium used in processing. Or use herbs and sodium-free spices instead.

Aw Nuts!

Rethink those salty peanuts. An ounce of dry-roasted, salted peanuts contains 230 mg of sodium. The same size serving of dry-roasted, salted mixed nuts has 190 mg.

Tips: For about the same amount of calories, an ounce of oil-roasted, salted peanuts rings in at only 91 mg of sodium. Or better yet, buy the unsalted variety, which are practically sodium-free.

The Obvious Offenders

These snack-time favorites are always a safe bet for high salt content. Here’s how a 1 oz serving compares.

Potato chips = 149 mg
Cheese puffs = 258 mg

Pretzels = 385 mg

Tip: Even “baked” or fat-free snacks can pack the same amount of sodium or more, so read the label.

Condiments Do Count

If you think those little extras you add to your food don’t count, think again.

Ketchup (1 tbsp) = 178 mg

Sweet relish (1 tbsp) = 121mg

Capers (1 tbsp) = 255 mg

Tip: Go for low-sodium or sodium-free condiments. Or get creative with your substitutions: Try cranberry relish or apple butter for a naturally lower sodium choice.

Watch the Serving Size

Don’t fool yourself by thinking that the sodium content listed on a nutritional label is for the entire package. Before you blow your entire day’s worth of sodium, determine exactly what one serving equals.

Food Label Claims

Can’t keep up with the jargon? Here’s a cheat sheet:

Sodium-free: Less than 5 mg of sodium per servingVery low-sodium: 35 mg or less per serving

Low-sodium: Less than 140 mg per serving

Reduced sodium: Sodium level reduced by 25%

Unsalted, no salt added, or without added salt: Made without the salt that's normally used, but still contains the sodium that's a natural part of the food itself.
What’s in a Name?

When you’re scanning a food label, don’t just look for the word “salt.” Watch out for various forms of sodium or other names for the same thing

sodium alginate

sodium ascorbate

sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

sodium benzoate

sodium caseinate

sodium chloride

sodium citrate

sodium hydroxide

sodium saccharin

sodium stearoyl lactylate

sodium sulfite

disodium phosphate

monosodium glutamate (MSG)

trisodium phosphate


Check Your Medicine Cabinet Too

Surprise! Some headache or heartburn medicines can contain sodium carbonate or bicarbonate. Read the ingredient list and warning statement to be sure.

Pitfalls When Eating Out

Restaurant soups are generally very high in sodium, as are appetizers with cheeses or meats. Casserole entrées and Rice Pilaf are also common pitfalls. The word “sauce” at a restaurant is sometimes synonymous with sodium, so you may want to steer clear of entrees slathered in sauce. If you ask, most restaurants are willing to prepare your food with less or no sodium.

Better Menu Choices

Fish can be a lower-sodium choice at a restaurant, as long as you watch how it’s seasoned. Steamed vegetables (prepared without salt) are another smart choice. Also, try a salad with dressing on the side. Low-sodium dessert options include ice cream, sherbet, or angel food cake.

‘Dos’ When Dining Out

Ask how food is prepared.

Choose a restaurant where food is made to order.

Ask that your meal be prepared without any forms of sodium, then add a dash of low-sodium seasoning you brought from home.

Request unsalted butter for your bread.

Avoid a Fast-Food Fiasco

It’s every sodium watcher for himself once you enter the fast food arena. Try these helpful tips:

Undress your food: Skip the cheese, go easy on condiments, and don’t add salt.

Don’t supersize; order off the children’s menu for smaller portions.

Eat a very low-sodium diet for the rest of the day.

Ask for a nutrition fact sheet at the restaurant (or find it online before you go) to help you make the best possible low-sodium choices.

Who Should Go Low-Sodium?

Eating less sodium can help lower blood pressure in some individuals. It can help reduce the risk of heart disease, as well. For people with high blood pressure, eating high-sodium foods raises their risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.

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